The National Thatching Straw Growers Association are to hold their AGM at The Enterprise Centre, University of East Anglia, Norwich on Friday afternoon 21st April 2017.
The venue is of particular interest for the NTSGA because its vertical walls have been thatched using wheat straw grown by some of our members, the building itself is the largest greenest commercial passivhaus building in the UK and won many national awards since opening in July 2015.
Stephen Letch will be giving a presentation on the construction of the Enterprise Centre and a guided tour of the Enterprise Centre on the day after AGM business has been conducted.
Please view short arial film of the building
Another event coming up is Graham Borrills thrashing day on the 15th April 2017
Graham is having a thrashing day to thresh out his long straw sheaves on the 15th April, there will be a steam engine powering the threshing tackle with help given by some of Grahams friends and straw growing colleagues.
Graham fell of a thatched roof back in the autumn of 2016 and has been off work since then whilst on the
mend. So a group of local NTSGA straw growers thought it would be good to give a helping hand to get Grahams straw all threshed out and expel his rats from the stack.
Everyone is welcome to visit either to help or just watch, bring some shandy along with you!
The thrashing will take place east of Hoxne at Corner Farm just off the B1118 between the turnoffs of Syleham Rd and Wittons Lane.