The National Thatching Straw Growers Association
was formed, by a small group of growers of thatching
straw, in the autumn 2010, with a few objectives in mind. We
wanted to establish a forum for growers all over the country to share
experience and innovation, to have a united voice to speak up for and
promote our industry and products, and to be a focus for research and
development. We want the Association to enable and maintain the
highest standards of straw growing, and a healthy industry for us all. The Association was launched at the Annual
General Meeting in May 2011. We are excited by the prospect of
welcoming members from all the straw growing regions, who grow on any
scale, and with all levels of experience. For minutes of the AGMs,
please click here. To apply for membership,
please click here. The NTSGA has recently been awarded funding by English
Heritage to conduct trials on
Recent addition to the 'Links' page :-
Photograph of founding growers |
[Aims] [Membership] [Harvesting] [ForSale/Wanted] [Links] [Contact]
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